地天泰集团有限公司国际贸易部以钢铁产品出口、矿石产品国内、国际贸易为主;从事过农副产品、饲料、食品添加剂的自营出口;为国内重点项目做过材料供应的服务;此外,还长期致力于为公司内、外客户提供优质进出口的代理服务。2009年,部门全年贸易额超过人民币叁亿元。在长期的经营中,本部门与众多合作伙伴建立了稳固的战略合作关系,一方面为更好地服务于巴西、加拿大、韩国、泰国、马来西亚等直接客户奠定了坚实的基础,另一方面也为斯里兰卡、苏丹、苏里南、安哥拉等非洲国家重点工程的出口钢材配套供应提供了有力的保证。近期,本部门正在积极接洽木材供应充足的巴西贸易商,以期开拓原木/加工木材进口销售这一新领域。目前,本部门正积极配合集团下属子公司—天津地天泰钢铁集成有限公司,将如下两项自有主导产品--现代化高速铁路铺设材料“雷达2000轨枕用钢筋桁架”和能减少现场钢筋绑扎工作量60%的“高层钢结构楼承板”,在世界范围内加以推广。 坐落在天津这样一个中国港口城市,我们的国际贸易团队已在无数次的自营和代理进出口操作中积累了丰富的经验。从各类新产品的市场前期调研、备案、专业资质申领,到租船、定舱、发运产品包装等实际操作,我们都能做到竭尽全力地为目标客户提供专业水准的服务。热诚期盼您--有志与中国建立业务联系的海外企业,或是期盼尽快登上世界舞台的内资客户,与我们随时取得联系! 联 系 人:郭玲 (Lucky Guoling) 联系电话:13212227525 Majored in exporting steel products, importing and selling iron ore, the International Trading Department has exported agricultural commodities such as feeding stuff, fruit puree, foods additives also, and has supplied agent service to various customers. The revenue of our department in 2009 is over CNY three hundred million. Benefited from the stable co-operation with different kinds of partner, we provided superior service to our direct customers in Brazil, Canada, South Korea, Thailand and Malaysia, at the mean time, it guaranteed our successfully supplying for the export steel to lots of national major projects in Sri Lanka, Sudan, Republic of Suriname and Angola. We are trying our best to contact with Brazilian supplier on another potential project of wood importing recently. On the other hand, we are actively promoting two professional steel products made by our sub-company named “TIANJIN DITINTAN STEEL INTEGRATION CO., LTD.” to the world. One is the basic modern highway raw material named “Rheda Located in a port city --